How to Network at Conferences

Attending conferences is a great way to stay current with the latest happenings in your industry. While internet research and discussions with partners and suppliers can be beneficial, there is nothing quite like joining a large group of professionals in your field.

Presentations by experts may be infrequent in your area, but at a conference you’ll have access to a vast wealth of knowledge and experience.

Conferences are also great places to be inspired- the simple act of leaving, for example, your cheap wholesale products warehouse, and travelling to meet with others who have done the same can provide you with a grand new perspective.

You will also be in a position to connect with many potential partners in business, as well as collaborators, suppliers and, most importantly, new clients.

However, going to a conference and attending seminars is not enough. In order to make the most of the experience you’ve got to network and make the rounds. So how does one meet new people and forge the right connections at one of these events?

Before the Conference

Try to define your goals for this event. Instead of just having a vague idea that you’ll be going to learn new things about selling cheap wholesale products and maybe meet a few people, make it your mission to connect directly with potential business partners and clients in your industry.

Connect with other conference goers and presenters as much as possible. See if your conference has a hash tag to follow on Twitter, or an official Facebook page. Contact speakers on their websites and let them know that you are looking forward to their seminar.


Carefully review the conference agenda and plan to attend the seminars and workshops that specifically apply to your industry and goals.

Prepare your response to the question “What do you do?”  Instead of simply responding that you buy cheap wholesale products and then sell them, have a thorough but concise explanation of what your line of work is and who your clients are. You may also want to add information about your goals for the event.

During the Conference

As you attend each seminar (as many as possible), be ready to meet people. Have business cards with your up-to-date contact information and photo on them and be ready to hand them out. If you’re not comfortable giving out business cards, practise with a family member or friend prior to the event.

It is also a good idea to plan several conversation starters or phrases to continue conversations, so that your interactions don’t fizzle out after small talk. Be ready to ask questions about others and then confidently share information about what you do and what you have to offer.

After the Conference

Go through the business cards you receive and connect with the appropriate people. Very important connections may warrant a phone call, while others may do best with an email or friend request on social media. Plan to stay in touch, and be sure your connections know where to find you if necessary.

This article was contributed by Wholesale Clearance in the UK.

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