We offer a number of tailored business services and are open to being approached for other pieces of work – as each piece of work differs from each other we can work together with you to make sure you are gaining the right kind of assistance and competitively price the services to meet your financial constraints.
LinkedIn Profiles
We can take your LinkedIn profile and make it really work for you – many organisations now encourage professionals to have a LinkedIn account for networking and marketing purposes; however it can be hard work to really get to the crux of what an effective profile is. We can write content for your profile, write effective bullet points for the role remits and ensure you are making full use of the profile. The profile needs to have a good level of your experience, competences and give out the right information. This is particularly vital if you are working in any aspect of business development as the first place most business professionals look when researching businesses is what backgrounds and abilities their staff have. The profile can serve as an excellent piece of marketing material and the detail in the roles adds that additional information which can be the difference between being contacted or not.
Outsourced Redundancy Services
In a time where streamlining and cost cutting is becoming the normal practice for business, it is important to make sure those put under risk of redundancy are looked after in their transition period. The CV Righter offers a number of solutions for this including workshop based CV writing groups on site to meet your commitments, individual sessions with employees and discounts for bulk CV writing of employees. We have experience of running workshops for all employment levels from factory operative to director level and have worked with every industry in a recruitment capacity so have a good understanding of what is required to give your employees an effective transition when faced with redundancies. We believe that transition is not just about CV writing and as such our workshops are motivational, responsive, and inclusive – making sure everyone concerned feels confident moving forward.
Consultancy Tenders
Tenders are time consuming and after putting in all the hard work you need to ensure you are not being let down by the shortlist of candidates being put forward. We offer a CV writing package to management consultancies who are looking for a number of CVs to be reworked to submit for a new piece of work – our experience of working with management consultancies in a recruitment capacity mean we really understand how crucial it is to get the CVs right for that pitch. We can work on varying volumes of CVs, we don’t let the quality of work suffer because of quantity and our package includes a thorough consultation to understand who you are pitching to and for what type of work; we can ensure we create a strong shortlist which will enhance your application to tender. Often new clients have a tick list of what they expect to see in CVs – we can work with you to choose the right candidates and make sure their CVs are clear, concise, and meet expected criteria.